Jeremiah 29:11-13, God's Timing

I love puzzles.  The challenge of taking a bunch of random looking pieces and creating one big picture gives me a thrill.  I have to admit, though, I even have a plan for working a puzzle.  First, find all the outside pieces and make the frame.  Next, go for the big things in the picture and put them together.  Fill in the rest one piece at a time.  I'm a planner by nature, and sometimes not having all my "details" in order really gives me fits.

God answered a prayer for me a few weeks ago.  It was one I had been praying about for three years.  

God's timing..if that answer had come three years earlier when I started praying for it...I can honestly say I would not be who I am today.  Those trial and error adventures he has put me through made me a better and stronger person.  Three years ago God's plan wasn't first priority in my life...mine was.  I wanted him with me on MY journey. I've finally learned to let him lead.

My blog title is from the life verse God gave me several years ago. Today, I still hold to the promise of Jeremiah 29:11-13. The verses are framed above my desk. Every delay, every "no"...they were hard to accept at the time. Now I see clearly how they all fit into this part of God's plan. If only we had the foresight to see the things retrospect reveals.

Its hard to walk the road we are called to walk sometimes, but isn't it amazing when we can turn around and see how we got to where we are?  Just like pieces of a puzzle, the plan for our lives is pieced together one day at a time.  Each turn we make, each step we take...alone they make no sense.  But when the puzzle becomes a picture we see what we have become. 

Don't ever give up on your prayers! 


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