Confessions of a Super Woman Want to Be
No matter how strong you think your faith is, Satan will always attack you. He knows exactly where your weak spots are, and he aims straight for the heart. I've been trying to find the words to share with you just what has been going on behind the scenes of my usually tough Super woman front. Can I make a confession to you? I've been shaking in my boots. This morning our choir sang an amazing Chris Tomlin song, the one that has been played over and over in my car trying to keep a straight face during a tough time. As the words poured out of my heart, the memories of singing them over and over the past several weeks on the way to work, on many long, lonely trips to the doctor poured through my mind. I was diagnosed with a suspicious spot on my left ovary in mid March. Along with the diagnosis came more tests and a waiting game. Surgery was scheduled, and the ovary biopsied. Then more waiting to see what my fate would be....